Capital contribution to establish the company and issuance of the certificate of capital contribution under Article 47, Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Multi-member limited liability companies under Article 46, Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Branches, representative offices and business locations of an enterprise under Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Prohibited actions under Article 16, Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Names of enterprises under Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Contributed assets, transfer of ownership of contributed assets under Article 34, 35 Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Notification of changes to enterprise registration information under Article 31, Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Registering revisions to the Certificate of Enterprise Registration under Article 30, Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
The company's charter under Article 24, Law on Enterprise 2020 of Vietnam as follows:
Pre-registration contracts under Article 18, Law on Enterprsie 2020 of Vietnam as follows: