Under the provisions of the Law on Accounting of Vietnam, companies can only allow to provide accounting services when they satisfy the business conditions prescribed by Vietnam Accounting Law and are granted certificate of eligibility for accounting service business by the Ministry of Finance.
Hiring organizations or individuals that fail to satisfy all requirements for practicing accounting or providing accounting services to provide accounting services, that company may be sanctioned for administrative violations according to regulations on accounting.
Your company will be sanctioned for administrative violations of accounting law if it does not comply with accounting regulations such as organizing accounting apparatus, hiring accounting services, making financial statements, submitting financial statements .....
Refer to regulations on penalties for accounting violations (Show detail)
Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company is one of the Certified Public Accounting Company in Vietnam, meets all business conditions to provide accounting services, chief accountant services and tax procedure services in accordance with the provisions of Vietnam law. Golden Star has been granted Certificate of eligibility for accounting service business, chief accountant service by Vietnam Ministry of Finance.
Certficate of eligibility for accounting service business in Vietnam (Show detail)

Your enterprises demand to use accounting and bookkeeping services, chief accountant services, tax procedure services, tax declaration services, tax consultancy services, tax agency services, tax refund services, services for representative office, company establishment services, company dissolution services in Vietnam, performing investment procedures for foreign investor in Vietnam, salary calculation services, payroll and labour services, law consultancy services, office leasing services, virual office services and other business advisory services. Please contact Golden Star Accounting Company in Vietnam for more details.
You can refer to the services of Golden Star as follows:
Services of Golden Star (Show detail)
To get further information of our services and charges,
Please come to our head office or contact Golden Star as follows:
Contact address information and telephone number(Show detail)