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Enterprise Establishment Services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam


In Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam


Enterprise is an organization that has a proper name, assets, premises, is established or registered in accordance with law for business purposes.an enterprise that has a proper name, assets, premises, is established or registered in accordance with Vietnam law for business purposes.

An enterprise will be granted the Certificate of Enterprise Registration when the following conditions are fully satisfied:

a)The registered business lines are not banned;

b)The enterprise’s name is conformable with regulations of Articles 37, 38, 39 and 41 of Law on Enterprise of Vietnam;

c)The enterprise registration application is valid;

d)The enterprise registration fees are fully paid in accordance with regulations of law on fees and charges.


1.The enterprise registration application form.

2.The company's charter.

3.The list of list of members/founding shareholders; the list of members/shareholders that are foreign investors.

4.Copies of:

a)Legal documents of members/founding shareholders and shareholders that are foreign investors who are individuals and legal representatives;

b)Legal documents of members/shareholders that are organizations, documents about designation of authorized representatives; legal documents of authorized representatives of founding shareholders and shareholders that are foreign organizations.

Legalized copies of legal documents of the members that are foreign organizations.

c)The Certificate of Investment Registration of foreign investors as prescribed by the Law on Investment.


Golden Star is a Certified Public Accounting Company with its head office HCM City, Vietnam provides enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam.

When using the enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star, Golden Star will perform all procedures related to the establishment of company for customers, from the time that customer has an idea to establish the company until be granted an enterprise registration certificate, enterprise establisment notification, registering form of seal, buying digital signatures, declaring license tax, bank account registration and perform the initial tax procedures for the newly established company.

Golden Star specializes in providing services of establishing Vietnamese capital companies, establishing foreign-invested companies. After establishing the company, Golden Star continues to provide accounting services, chief accountant services, tax procedure services, tax advisory services to customers.

With a team of lawyer, specialists mastering the Vietnamese Accounting and International Accounting Practices and with our practical experience for many years, the enterprise establishment servicé of Golden Star can satisfy all the needs of our clients.

Over 10 years of experience in  providing accounting services  and performing tax procedure services for thousand of customers in all sectors and business lines, We are confident to support customer comply with Vietnam law on accounting, tax procedure performance, tax law, business law and other regulations of law.

Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company is one of the Certified Public Accounting Company in Vietnam, meets all business conditions to provide accounting services, chief accountant services and tax procedure services in accordance with the provisions of Vietnam law. Golden Star has been granted Certificate of eligibility for accounting service business, chief accountant service by Vietnam Ministry of Finance.

Certficate of eligibility for accounting service business in Vietnam (Show detail)

Golden Star is a professional consulting company specializes in providing accounting services, chief accountant services, tax procedure services, tax declaration services, tax consultancy services, tax agency services, tax refund services, services for representative office, company establishment services, company dissolution services in Vietnam, performing investment procedures for foreign investor in Vietnamsalary calculation services, payroll and labour serviceslaw consultancy services, office leasing services, virual office services and other business advisory services.

You can refer to the services of Golden Star:

Services of Golden Star (Show detail)

Golden Star provides services related to enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam as follows:

1-Services on consulting tax law, corporate law, investment law in  Vietnam (Show detail)

2-Services on establishing a Vietnamese capital company in Vietnam (Show detail) 

3-Services on making investment procedures for foreign investors in Vietnam (Show detail)

4-Services on establishing a new foreign invested capital company in Vietnam (Show detail)

5-Services on making investment by contributing capital, buying shares, or buying capital contributions of business organization in Vietnam (Show detail)

6-Services on changing enterprise registration in Vietnam (Show detail) 

7-Services on establishing branch, representative office and bussiness location (Show detail) 

8-Service on dissolving company in Vietnam (Show detail) 


Please refer to charges for enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam:

Service charges for establishing a company (Show detail)

Please contact Golden Star to get detail of enterprise establishment service charges.

In order to ensure that the accounting books, tax declaration dossiers, financial statements of an company are accurate and consistent with the provisions of law, the information is updated promptly, the most reasonable cost, the company should use  full accounting service package of Gold Star:

Full Acounting Services of Golden Star (Show detail)


1-To establish company in Vietnam requires many complex procedures as required by competent authority? Enterprise establishment service of Golden Star will help you.

2-You are a foreign investment capital company in Vietnam, you can not understand clearly law of Vietnam. To avoid risks relating to the legal procedures in Vietnam, you use the enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star.

3-If you are not a professional in the field of company establishment, you will take a lot of time and money to prepare documents, drafting documents, editing documents to establish company for several times at the request of the competent authority. Enterprise establishment service of Golden Star will help you.

4-You want to save time and cost when implementing company establishment? Enterprise establishment service of Golden Star will help you.

5-You do not have time to prepare the procedures to establish company? Enterprise establishment service of Golden Star will help you.

6-In Vietnam, the regulations on corporate law, accounting, the provisions on tax policies change frequently. If you are not expert in the field of corporate law, accounting, not working in the field of taxation you can not catch in time. Enterprise establishment service of Golden Star will help you comply with regulations.

7-Deparment performing legal work, staff performing legal operation are weak, failing to meet the requirements in accordance with law. Professional enterprise establishment service of Golden Star will help you to perform comply with the regulations.

8-You are a small and medium company, you do not need to hire professional legal staff for your company to reduce costs. Instead you use company establishment services of Golden Star.

9-You want a professional service company independent and external to perform all legal operation for your enterprise.

If you have not address or office to register headquarter for your company, you can use our virtual office service to establish company:

Services to leasing virtual office service (Show detail)


1-Enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star will advise and guide clients to prepare information required under regulations. Golden Star will perform the entire procedure such as compile documents and forms, submit application to establish company at competent licensing authority.

2-Golden Star is a leading comsulting service company providing professional company establishment services  in Vietnam

3-Golden Star was founded by experts as lawyers, economic masters (MBA), auditor (CPA), practicing accountants, tax consulting experts and tax procedure service experts have a lot of practice experiences and knowledge in the field of corporate law, accounting, auditing, tax services, tax consulting, investment advisory, financial advisory.

Management team and key staff of Golden Star  (Show detail)

1-You concern many problems, you have demand to be advised many issues, you need an expert with qualifications, capabilities and experiences  specializing in establishing company advising and answering problems related to the company establishment in Vietnam. Services to establish company of Golden Star will advise you.

2-You want to save time and cost when implementing company establishment in Vietnam? Professional enterprise establishment service of Golden Star will help you.

3-You need a company that specializes in providing company establishment services, applying for licenses to establish company  with fast time and exact procedure, professional serving, dedicated, enthusiastic, reasonable price? Golden Star will help you.

4-Company establishment services of Golden Star is done according to a strict procedure. All records before delivering to the clients must be checked and controlled by manager in charge. Ensure services providing to customers accurately, consistent with the provisions of law.

5-Staff performing company establishment services of Golden Star have high qualifications, experiences and practical knowledge in the field of corporation law, accounting and taxation. You can get professional  advisers with master's degree (MBA), auditor (CPA) or lawyer advice  to you.

6-Using the enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star, you are absolutely assured about service quality, our service staff are professional. Staff of Golden Star with in-depth knowledge and clearly understanding law are enthusiastic and dedicated serving customers.

7-So far, thousands of clients in all business sector, lines of business, individual customers are using the services of Golden Star. Our clients are foreign direct investment capital enterprises, representative offices of foreign enterprises, domestic enterprises, project management and foreign people.

You can refer some typical client of Golden Star as following:

Some typical clients of Golden Star (Show detail)

After establishing company, to ensure bookkeeping, tax reports, financial statements of your enterprises are accurate and consistent with the provisions of law, the information is updated timely, cost is reasonable, you should use the accounting services and payroll services of Golden Star.

Accounting Services (Show detail)

Payroll and Labour Services (Show detail)

Using the enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star is the most optimal choice for you establishing company in Vietnam today. Ensure you will save cost, documents  ensure in accordance with Vietnam provisions of law, quickly getting corporate certificate.

You demands to use enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam. Please contact Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company for more details

To get further information of our enterprise establishment services in Tan Phu District, HCM City, Vietnam and charges

Please come to our head office or contact Golden Star as follows:

Address information and contact phone number (Show detail)

other services


028.3620.8435 0914.190.707 0942.050.407
Giấy phép kinh doanh số : 0308929524 cấp ngày : 29/05/2009 bởi Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư TP.Hồ Chí Minh
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