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Accounting Company providing Chief Accountant Service







Under the provisions of the Viet Nam Accounting Law, ernterprises must have chief accountant. If there are not chief accountants or absence, the company must immediately arrange a new chief accountant. Hired chief accountant are required to meet the accounting law.

In the absence of the chief accountant,  enterprises can sign an accounting service contract with an accounting service company to perform  accounting work as chief accountant in accordance with the law.

You are a foreign capital company in Viet Nam, you shoul choose a professional accounting company to perform chief accountant work and check the accounting records, preparing financial reports, tax reports, managerment reports, tax finalization reports, and so.

You are a newly establishment company, have not bookkeepers, accountants and chief accountant so you need a professional  accounting service company to perform accounting work, to provide advices and guidance on vouchers, accounting books, tax declarations, and provisions of the relevant tax laws.

You are worried, do not trust on the activities of your accounting department, accountants  and chief accountants of your company.

Accounting department, accountants performing the tax procedures and accounting activities of your company do not meet the requirements of law.

You  are considering  choosing a profesional tax and accounting service company that is established and operating in comply with the Viet Nam Law, manager and staff are certified public accountants, have Accounting Practicing Certifications and Tax Procedure Service Practising Certification …

GOLDENSTAR is a leading accounting company in Viet Nam, one of  few of enterprises, which meet the conditions to provide accounting services and tax services in accordance with the regulations of the Viet Nam Law.

The contents of  our chief accountant service :

1. Assigning work, professional training for accounting staff;

2. Guide accountants to perform accounting work;

3. Control, check all the accounting vouchers, accounting books, tax reporting that accountant has done;

4. Working with audit company;

5. Signing as Chief Accountant on the accounting records;

6. Consulting tax laws, accounting laws  and regulations in business;

7. Representatives for enterprise to work and explain to the tax authorities;

8. Investment consultancy, project planning, business plans;


By choosing "Chief accountant service"of Goldenstar, you will save a lot of time and cost, the operation of the accounting department always guaranteed to comply with the provisions of the law. Reports quality will be guaranteed, you only  sign on documents, forms, financial statements prepared by us.


To get more information, please come to our head office

16/5 Đinh Tien Hoang Street, Ward DaKao, District 1, HCM City, Viet Nam

or contact the following:

Tel :   0942.050.407 (Mr.Thu) – Email : ngocthu@ketoansaovang.com





Goldenstar services:

Accounting services:  Setting up accounting systems, Accounting services, Bookeeping service, Preparing financial report, Reviewing accounting records, financial reports, Chief accountant services, Audit financial statements.

Tax services: Tax agent service, Tax registration service, Tax declaration service,  Tax finalization service, Corporate income tax, Personal income tax, Tax reviewing, Tax consulting,

Legal services : Establishing  a new ensterprise, Granting envestment licents, Change the informations of business registration,  Establish branch, Opend representative offices, Transformation of enterprises type, Division, splitting, merging businesses, Dissolution of business, business suspension.

Labor services: Personal income tax (PIT), Payroll,

Representative services: Personal income tax (PIT), Payroll


028.3620.8435 0914.190.707 0942.050.407
Giấy phép kinh doanh số : 0308929524 cấp ngày : 29/05/2009 bởi Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư TP.Hồ Chí Minh
Người đại diện: ông Thủy Ngọc Thu