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Goldenstar Accounting Company Providing Outsourcing Accounting Services







Goldenstar is a leading accounting and tax consulting  company in Viet Nam. You are a foreign capital firm in Viet Nam, you should choose  an accounting firm as Goldenstar to be provided  tax consulting service, accounting services, chief accounting service.

Goldenstar is a Viet Nam leading accounting Company. At Goldenstar  we are more than just accountants, we assist you with accounting and finance to help you optimise performance.

We support you in compiling your accounts in the most cost effective and time efficient way ensuring you meet your year-end deadlines. We help with bookkeeping, setting up your accounts and revising them for year-end. We will also make recommendations to help you improve your accounting processes with a real impact on your business.

Problems you are facing :

You lack the time to keep up to date with constant legislation change?

The Vietnamese legislation seems opaque to you?

You have very tight group reporting deadlines?

You just need a Chief Accountant supervising your accountant are meeting local and group requirements?

You don’t want to invest in a complex accounting system while still expect a high quality report and fast closing?

You want to make sure that deadline are kept, in terms of CIT declaration and VAT?

You are looking for an interlocutor that will understand you and your business?

You prefer to focus on your core business?

Confidentiality is very important for you?

Our offer: "Accounting and Business Process Outsourcing"

At Goldenstar we can help you to build an appropriate accounting framework and support you with your bookkeeping :

Establishing a suitable chart of accounts and workflow systems with your team

Monthly accounts and reporting

Year-end financial statements in compliance with Vietnamese Standards of Accounting

Year-end financial statements in compliance with International Accounting Standards (IAS)

First point of contact liaison with your appointed auditors

Witholding Tax returns

Corporation Tax Compliance

Outsourcing of selected bookkeeping processes (e.g. fixed assets, expense claims, management of debtors and creditors accounts of staff, suppliers and clients),

Supervision works of your accounting team, chief accountant role

Review of accounting books and tax settlements and settling of arrears,

Elaboration of internal regulations in the area of accounting (accounting policy, chart of accounts, modification and streamlining of existing accounting procedures),

Our employees are experienced in working with different accounting systems – on request we ensure bookkeeping at the Client’s seat using his financial & accounting software.

At Goldenstar we help you to consolidate your financial data and provide reliable financial information.

Conducting and producing consolidation and reporting to your group: operational support and outsourcing of your consolidation and reporting needs,

Consolidating the accounts of your subsidiaries in agreement with local or international standards.

Why us ? Our key advantages :

In today's dynamic business environment, not every situation can be planned for and sometimes accounting support is required at the last minute. We are ready to support you in the long term – through your organisation’s entire lifecycle and key business milestones.

Cooperation with Goldenstar guarantees flexible solutions, as we adapt our services to individual’s needs, so that they suit your business type and satisfy your objectives. Whether your request is to support meeting tight local or international compliance deadlines, to provide cover for a member of accounting staff on long term leave, or to assist with critical accounting reconciliations or incomplete records we will do everything we can to support you.

When you choose to outsource your accountancy to Goldenstar, you can be assured that your accounting requirements in Vietnam and/or within groups will be taken care of.


To get more information, please come to our head office

16/5 Đinh Tien Hoang Street, Ward DaKao, District 1, HCM City, Viet Nam

or contact the following:

Tel :  0942.050.407 (Mr.Thu) – Email : ngocthu@ketoansaovang.com




Goldenstar services:

Accounting services:  Setting up accounting systems, Accounting services, Bookeeping service, Preparing financial report, Reviewing accounting records, financial reports, Chief accountant services, Audit financial statements.

Tax services: Tax agent service, Tax registration service, Tax declaration service,  Tax finalization service, Corporate income tax, Personal income tax, Tax reviewing, Tax consulting,

Legal services : Establishing  a new ensterprise, Granting envestment licents, Change the informations of business registration,  Establish branch, Opend representative offices, Transformation of enterprises type, Division, splitting, merging businesses, Dissolution of business, business suspension.

Labor services: Personal income tax (PIT), Payroll,

Representative services: Personal income tax (PIT), Payroll


028.3620.8435 0914.190.707 0942.050.407
Giấy phép kinh doanh số : 0308929524 cấp ngày : 29/05/2009 bởi Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư TP.Hồ Chí Minh
Người đại diện: ông Thủy Ngọc Thu