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Enterprise Dissolution Services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam


Golden Star provides enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam


Enterprise dissolution is the implementation of legal procedures in accordance with the law to end the existence of company.

A Enterprise shall be dissolved in the following cases:

a)The operating period specified in the company's charter expires without an extension decision;

b)The enterprise is dissolved under a resolution or decision of the owner (for sole proprietorships), the Board of Partners (for partnerships), the Board of Members and the owner (for limited liability companies) or the GMS (for joint stock companies);

c)The enterprise fails to maintain the adequate number of members prescribed in this Law for 06 consecutive months without converting into another type of business;

d)The Certificate of Enterprise Registration is revoked, unless otherwise prescribed by the Law on Tax administration.

An enterprise may only be dissolved after all of its debts and liabilities are fully paid and it is not involved in any dispute at the court or arbitration. Relevant executives and the enterprise mentioned in Point d Clause 1 of this Article are jointly responsible for the enterprise’s debts.

Responsibilities when dissolution of a enterprise:

1.Members of the Board of Directors (for joint stock companies), members of the Board of Members (for limited liability companies), the owner (for sole proprietorships), the Director/General Director, general partners and legal representatives shall be responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the application.

2.In case the application contains inaccurate or false information, the persons specified in Clause 2 of Article 210 (Enterprise Law 2020) shall jointly provide the outstanding employees’ benefits, taxes and other debts and bear personal responsibility for the consequences that occur within 05 years from the day on which the application is submitted to the business registration authority.

An application for dissolution of an enterrprise shall consist of:

a) The notification of the enterprise’s dissolution;

b) The report on liquidation of the enterprise’s assets; list of creditors and paid debts, including tax debts, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance of employees after the dissolution decision is issued (if any).

In order to obtain the prescribed dissolution documents and submit them to the competent authority, the dissolution company must perform many procedures, take a lot of time, especially procedures to complete tax liability, obtain a confirmation of the tax authority about the fulfillment of tax obligations.

When dissolving company, you must perform tax settlement obligations. The tax authority will check the tax statement, accounting records, invoices and vouchers of the dissolved company. Only after the tax finalization is completed, the tax authority confirm that your company has fulfilled its tax obligations.

Therefore, to save time and cost when dissolving company, many companies have chosen and used the company dissolution service of Golden Star.


Enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam is a professional service of Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company.

Your enterprise with its head office in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam is preparing enterprise dissolution procedures and wants to use enterprise dissolution services.

Golden Star is one of the Certified Public Accounting Company in Vietnam, satisfy all the conditions to provide accounting service, chief accountant service and tax procedure service in accordance with the provisions of Vietnam law. Golden Star has been granted Certificate of eligibility for accounting service business, chief accountant service by Vietnam Ministry of Finance.

Certficate of eligibility for accounting service business in Vietnam (Show detail

Over 10 years of experience in  providing accounting services  and performing tax procedure services for thousand of customers in all sectors and business lines, We are confident to support customer comply with Vietnam law on accounting, tax procedure performance, tax law, business law and other regulations of law.

When using the enterprise dissolution services in HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star, Golden Star will implement all tax procedures, accounting procedures and other legal procedures for customers.

Enterprise dissolution includes many complicated procedures that take a long time and must go through many different agencies such as tax authorities, social insurance authorities, customs authorities, police authorities and business registration agencies.

In order to obtain the required documents and submit them to the competent authorities, the dissolution enterprise must carry out many procedures, take a lot of time, especially procedures to complete tax obligations, must obtain a certificate of tax agency certificating that dissolution company has completed tax obligations.

Your company will be sanctioned for administrative violations of accounting law, tax law if it does not comply with accounting regulations such as organizing accounting apparatus, hiring accounting services, making financial statements, submitting financial statements .....

Refer to regulations on penalties for accounting violations (Show detail)

Refer to regulations on sanctions of administrative violation in the tax field (Show detail)

When dissolving company, you have to perform tax settlement for that company. Tax authority will inspect tax finalization reports, accounting books, invoices, vouchers and tax obligations of the dissolution company. Only after completing the tax settlement, the tax authority will provide dissolution company with a certificate for completing tax obligations.

You can refer to the tax procedure services of Golden Star:

Tax procedure services of Golden Star (Show detail)

Therefore, to save time and cost when dissolving enterprise, many companies have chosen and used the enterprise dissolution services of Golden Star.

Using the enterprise dissolution services in HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star, you are completely assured about the service quality, performing services professionally, staff are knowledgeable and firm about dissolution works, enthusiastic and dedicated customer serving.

Golden Star is a professional consulting company specializes in providing accounting and bookkeeping services, chief accountant services, tax procedure services, tax declaration services, tax consultancy services, tax agency services, tax refund services, services for representative office, company establishment services, company dissolution services, performing investment procedures for foreign investorsalary calculation services, payroll and labour serviceslaw consultancy services, office leasing services, virual office services and other business advisory services in HCM City, Vietnam.

You can refer to the services of Golden Star:

Services of Golden Star (Show detail)

If you have not address or office to register headquarter for your company, you can use virual office service of Golden Star for your company:

Virtual office services (Show detail)


Golden Star performs enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam as follows:

1-Advising on enterprise dissolution:

-Advising on law about enterprise dissolution;

-Advising to prepare documents to dissolve;

-Advising to complete accounting books;

-Advising to complete the tax declaration documents for enterprise dissolution;

-Advising to complete the tax finalization dossiers for enterprise dissolution;

-Advising on invoices, vouchers when dissolving company (if any);

-Advising on liquidation of assets prior to dissolution (if any);

-Advising on liquidation of liabilities prior to dissolution (if any);

2-Preparing dossiers – Submitting dissolution dossiers of company:

-Preparing documents and drafting forms prescribed by enterprise dissolution law;

-Submitting enterprise dissolution dossiers to competent authority;

3-Performing tax settlement with tax agency to obtain certificate for completing tax obligation:

-Examining and reviewing tax settlement reports;

-Advising on completing accounting books, tax settlement dossiers;

-Submitting tax settlement dossiers to tax agency;

-Explaining tax settlement to the tax agency;

-Getting certificate for closing tax code of dissolution company from the tax agency.

4-Performing procedures related to labour obligations, social insurance:

-Drafting dossiers, submitting dossiers, receiving results as authorized;

5-Performing procedures related to import export at custom agency:

-Drafting dossiers, submitting dossiers, receiving results as authorized;

6-Give back seal, making announcement on company:

-Giving seal back and receiving notice of recall seal;

-Making announcement on enterprise dissolution;

7-Checking, monitoring process; notice timely to the clients.


We determine the charges of enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam based on the level of complexity and efficiency of the enterprise dissolution work completed.

Refer to charges of enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam:

Enterprise dissolution service charges of Golden Star  (Show detail)


1.To dissolve the enterprise requires many complex procedures according to regulations of the Law, such as tax agencies, social insurance agencies, customs agencies, police agencies, business registration agencies. Enterprise dissolution services in HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star will help you to carry out these procedures.

2.If you do not specialize in the field of accounting, taxation, legal service, enterprise dissolution, you will take a lot of time and effort to prepare documents, draft documents, revise documents many times, and perform tax settlement procedures to dissolve the company according to regulations of the Law. Enterprise dissolution services of Golden Star will help you.

3.You want to save time and costs when conducting enterprise dissolution procedures? Enterprise dissolution services of Golden Star will help you.

4.You do not have time to prepare and handle the enterprise dissolution procedures? Enterprise dissolution services of Golden Star will help you.


1.Golden Star was founded by experts are lawyers, economic masters (MBA), auditor (CPA), practicing accountants, tax consulting experts and tax procedure service experts have a lot of experiences and practical knowledge in the field of accounting, tax procedure, tax consulting, law consulting, investment and financial advisory.

Management Team and Key Staff of Golden Star  (Show detail)

2.Golden Star is a professional consulting company specializes in providing accounting servicechief accountant servicetax procedure servicetax consultancy service, tax agency service, company establishment service, enterprise dissolution service in Vietnam, implementing investment procedures for foreign investor in Vietnamsalary calculation service, insurance and labour servicelaw consultancy servicevirual office service.

So far, thousands of clients use services of Golden Star. You can refer to some typical client of Golden Star as follows:

Some typical clients of Golden Star (Show detail)

3.The procedure for tax settlement to dissolve company is very complicated. You need an accounting firm, tax procedure, professional business law advice, have extensive experience in the field of tax settlement, performing tax procedure with the tax authorities? Golden Star is a professional tax accounting company  will help you.

4.You concern many problems, you have demand to be advised many issues, you need an expert with qualifications, capabilities and extensive experiences  specializing in enterprise dissolution answering problems related to the enterprise dissolution? Enterprise dissolution services of Golden Star will advise you.

5.You want to save time and costs when conducting enterprise dissolution procedures? Enterprise dissolution services in HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star will help you to save time and costs when dissolving company.

6.You want to dissolve company in a very short time? Contact Golden Star for more details about this service.

7.You need a company that specializes in providing enterprise dissolution services professionally, performing procedures quickly and exactly, professional serving, dedicated, enthusiastic, reasonable price? Enterprise dissolution services in HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star will help you.

Using the enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star, you will save a lot of time and cost, time to carry out procedures for dissolving the company will be very short.

Company demands to use enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam of Golden Star. Please contact Golden Star Accounting and Consulting Company for more details.

To get further information of our enterprise dissolution services in District 11, HCM City, Vietnam and charges,

Please come to our head office or contact Golden Star as follows:

Contact address information and telephone number(Show detail)

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028.3620.8435 0914.190.707 0942.050.407
Giấy phép kinh doanh số : 0308929524 cấp ngày : 29/05/2009 bởi Sở Kế Hoạch và Đầu Tư TP.Hồ Chí Minh
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